Ciência Vitae Publications


Dulce Pacheco; David Aveiro; Duarte Pinto; Bernardo Gouveia

Towards the X-Theory: An Evaluation of the Perceived Quality and Functionality of DEMO’s Process Model Book Chapter


Dulce Pacheco; David Aveiro; Bernardo Gouveia; Duarte Pinto

Evaluation of the Perceived Quality and Functionality of Fact Model Diagrams in DEMO Book Chapter


Soares, Luísa; Pacheco, Dulce

Co-work between University Teachers from Different Fields: Is it Possible to Build a Common Language? Conference Paper

ICELW 2014, The International Conference on E-Learning in the Workplace,


Soares, Luísa; Pacheco, Dulce

Co-work Between University Teachers: Is it Possible to Build a Common Language? Journal Article

International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning (iJAC), Volume: 7, pp: 5-7, United States


Pacheco, Dulce; Maria Luísa Pereira Soares

Does the perception of team collaboration changes with time? Study with computer science students Conference Paper

Proceedings of the 12th Biannual Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter,


Bento, António V.; Mendes, Guida R.; Pacheco, Dulce

Importance of school-family collaboration: a qualitative study Journal Article

Revista San Gregorio, Volume: 1, pp: 94-105, Ecuador


Pacheco, Zita Dulce de Gouveia; Stevens, Scott M.

Evolution of Cultural Intelligence in Students Working in Multi-national Teams: A Case-Study Conference Paper



Pacheco, Zita Dulce de Gouveia; Maria Luísa Pereira Soares

The Influence of the Leaders’ Selection Method on Team Performance Conference Paper

ECSCW 2018: The 16th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work,


Pacheco, Zita Dulce de Gouveia; Soares, Luísa

Collaborative Learning: Leaders' Selection Method and Team Performance Conference Paper



Pacheco, Zita Dulce de Gouveia; Stevens, Scott M.

The Role of Culturally Intelligent Team Leaders on Task Performance Conference Paper

ECSCW 2018: The 16th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work,